The Karakoram Highway starts from:...? Mcqs

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The Karakoram Highway starts from:...?

(i) Haripur
(ii) Hasan Abdal

(iii) Wah
(iv) Taxila

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Name the battle in which Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed RA participated first time for Muslims:...?

(i) Battle of Badr
(ii) Battle of Trench

(iii) Battle of Mutah
(iv) Battle of Tabook

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Every action has reaction which are equal but in opposite direction, This law is called...?

(i) Newton's First Law of motion
(ii) Newton's Second Law of motion

(iii) Newton's Third Law of motion
(iv) None of these

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What is the meaning of of the word ‘Ababil’ ...?

(i) The bird
(ii) Flock of birds

(iii) Angles
(iv) None of them

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Name the father of Hazrat Yousaf (A.S.) who lost his eyesight in the memory of Hazrat Yousaf (A.S.)...?

(i) Hazrat Ishaq (A.S.)
(ii) Hazrat Ismaeel (A.S.)

(iii) Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S.)
(iv) Hazrat Moosaa (A.S.)

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Times New Roman is the example of...?

(i) Text
(ii) Alignment

(iii) Font
(iv) Ruler

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How many square meters are in one square km...?

(i) 1000
(ii) 10000

(iii) 100000
(iv) 1000000

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She cares ___ the environment...?

(i) about
(ii) to

(iii) of
(iv) on

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Choose the correct Once in a blue moon meaning of the idiom:...?

(i) Very easily
(ii) Luckily

(iii) Very rarely
(iv) Sadly

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Mr Javed Iqbal was the Ex. Chairman of the:...?

(i) Election Commission
(ii) National Accountability Bureau

(iii) Senate
(iv) National Assembly

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