The Khutba of Hajj (Hajj sermon) is delivered in which mosque...? Mcqs

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The Khutba of Hajj (Hajj sermon) is delivered in which mosque...?

(i) Masjid Khaif
(ii) Masjid Haram

(iii) Masid-e-Nimra
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Who is the current prime minister of azad jammu and Kashmir 2022...?

(i) Sardar attique ahmad khan
(ii) Sardar abdul qayyum khan niazi

(iii) Raja Farooq Haider
(iv) Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan

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"Kindergarten" refer to _____________...?

(i) a nursery school
(ii) a small garden

(iii) a children playground
(iv) none of these

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What is the Synonym of word ‘Winnow’ ...?

(i) Fuse
(ii) Sift

(iii) Espouse
(iv) Gather

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Kunhar River is also called...?

(i) Chitral river
(ii) Swat River

(iii) Panjkora
(iv) None of these

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The prison has succeeded in reducing ‘recidivism’. The word ‘recidivism’ word means:...?

(i) The tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend
(ii) Going back to a previous behavior

(iii) Backsliding
(iv) All of These

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Battle in which Holy Prophet PBUH participated is known as:...?

(i) Sayee
(ii) Ghazwa

(iii) Sariya
(iv) None of these

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Under the constitution of 1973 which language was declared as the national language of Pakistan...?

(i) Urdu
(ii) Punjabi

(iii) Bengali
(iv) Sindhi

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Under the proposed Law enhanced partnership with Pakistan Act The US would...?

(i) Provide Latest version of F16 aircrafts
(ii) Establish reconstruction zones in the tribal areas

(iii) Provide security and intelligence equipments
(iv) None of these

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St. Lawrence River is located in which country...?

(i) Sri Lanka
(ii) South Africa

(iii) Canada
(iv) None of these

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