The largest desert of Pakistan is...? Mcqs

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The largest desert of Pakistan is...?

(i) Thar
(ii) Thal

(iii) Cholistan
(iv) Kharan

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In which game does the Spanish opening take place...?

(i) Chess
(ii) Curling

(iii) Baseball
(iv) Golf

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in the _________, hindu kash range merges with pamir plateau....?

(i) east
(ii) west

(iii) north
(iv) south

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Ram Nath Kovind was the president of which country...?

(i) Nepal
(ii) Sri Lanka

(iii) Bhutan
(iv) India

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On which river will the Kalabagh Dam be constructed...?

(i) Ravi
(ii) Jhelum

(iii) Indus
(iv) Chenab

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22 March is observed internationally as...?

(i) Women’s Day
(ii) World Water Day

(iii) World Health Day
(iv) Human Rights Day

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Who martyred Abdullah Bin Zubair R.A...?

(i) Abu Jahal
(ii) Abu Lahab

(iii) Hajjaj bin Yousuf
(iv) None of these

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The antonym of Diligent is...?

(i) Hardworking
(ii) Intent

(iii) Lazy
(iv) Active

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Average of first 10 even numbers...?

(i) 11
(ii) 15

(iii) 17
(iv) 19

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After Hijrat to madina, what first important thing Holy prophet (SAW) did...?

(i) Built a mosque for prayers
(ii) Built his house

(iii) Created baitulmal
(iv) Raised an Army

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