The largest Island of the world is _____...? Mcqs

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The largest Island of the world is _____...?

(i) Iceland
(ii) Cyprus

(iii) Greenland
(iv) None of these

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Ornithology is the study of...?

(i) Birds
(ii) Insects

(iii) Sea Animanls
(iv) Sea Plants

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The antonym of clear ____...?

(i) Significant up
(ii) Unmistaken

(iii) Explicit
(iv) Murkey

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Synonym of “broach” is _________...?

(i) to decorate
(ii) bridge

(iii) offend
(iv) introduce

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Which shortcut key is used to print the document in MS Word...?

(i) Ctrl+ Y
(ii) Ctrl + P

(iii) Ctrl + K
(iv) Ctrl + F

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Hockey became an Olympic event in which year...?

(i) 1908
(ii) 1996

(iii) 1930
(iv) None of these

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Waris shah is the author of which famous folktale...?

(i) Heer Ranjha
(ii) Sassi Punnu

(iii) Sohni Mahiwal
(iv) None of these

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In which surah, the tauba of three sahaba is mentioned who lagged behind in the battle of Tabuk...?

(i) Al.Namal
(ii) Al. Baqarah

(iii) Al. Nisa
(iv) Al-Tauba

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Stonehenge is among the seven wonders of the world, situated in which country:...?

(i) England
(ii) France

(iii) Italy
(iv) Germany

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Which is the largest contributor of UNO's budget...?

(i) USA
(ii) Japan

(iii) Russian
(iv) China

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