The largest ocean of the world is...? Mcqs

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The largest ocean of the world is...?

(i) Indian ocean
(ii) Arctic Ocean

(iii) Pacific Ocean
(iv) None of these

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Which country scientists just deployed a giant telescope underwater for the first time...?

(i) Russian
(ii) American

(iii) Chinese
(iv) None of these

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The only Hindu state in the world is ...?

(i) Sri Lanka
(ii) Nepal

(iii) Bhutan
(iv) India

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A video game is played by using card...?

(i) Sound
(ii) Modem

(iii) Graphics
(iv) Network information

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Who was the First President of USA...?

(i) George Washington
(ii) Richard Nixon

(iii) John Adams
(iv) None of these

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‘Etna’ most active volcano in Europe is located in which country...?

(i) Germany
(ii) Spain

(iii) Italy
(iv) Sweden

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Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in ____________ Nabvi....?

(i) 4th
(ii) 5th

(iii) 6th
(iv) 7th

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Who is the founder of 'Big Bang Theory'...?

(i) Tycho Brahe
(ii) Edwin Hubble

(iii) Issac Asimov
(iv) George Lemaitre

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For what value of x+1/4√x +a² will be perfect square:...?

(i) ±1/18
(ii) ±1/8

(iii) 1/5
(iv) 1/4

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If Rs 1000 is divided amongst Rabail and Amna in the proportion of 2:3 respectively. how much will Rabail receive...?

(i) 300
(ii) 350

(iii) 400
(iv) 600

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