The length of Jeddah tower is...? Mcqs

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The length of Jeddah tower is...?

(i) 600 meter
(ii) 800 meter

(iii) 1000 meter
(iv) 3000 meter

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The oldest revealed divine book is:...?

(i) Tawrat
(ii) Zaboor

(iii) Injeel
(iv) Quran

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Who was the commander of Muslims in the battle of Muta ____...?

(i) Zayd Bin Harithah
(ii) Hazrat Abu Bakar

(iii) Hazrat Ali
(iv) None of the above

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Which is the Independence Day of Brazil...?

(i) September 7, 1822
(ii) September 6, 1822

(iii) September 1, 1822
(iv) September 11, 1822

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What is meant by Tawaaf...?

(i) To circle around Kaaba
(ii) One attempt between safaa and Marwah

(iii) Stay at Arafat
(iv) None of them

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Which article of the constitution of 1973 is related to the affairs of Zakat:...?

(i) 31
(ii) 35

(iii) 76
(iv) 12

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Hazrat Zaid bin Haris RA name occurred in which surah of Holy Quan:...?

(i) Surah Al Imran
(ii) Surah Al Baqarah

(iii) Surah Al Ahzab
(iv) Surah Rehman

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علامہ اقبال کی کون سی کتاب میں ان کا اردو اور فارسی کلام اکٹھا چھپاہے؟...?

(i) ضرب کلیم
(ii) ارمغان حجاز

(iii) بانگ درا
(iv) بال جبریل

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Georgia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan became the members of UNO in ...?

(i) 1991
(ii) 1992

(iii) 1993
(iv) 1994

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In 2023, the US launched a new military alliance with which country in the Pacific region...?

(i) Japan
(ii) South Korea

(iii) Australia
(iv) Philippines

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