The Length of Pakistan and Afghanistan border is...? Mcqs

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The Length of Pakistan and Afghanistan border is...?

(i) 2100 km
(ii) 2350 km

(iii) 2611 km
(iv) 2865 km

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The workers called ______ the strike...?

(i) of
(ii) off

(iii) on
(iv) None of these

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Summer Olympics for the years 2020 will be held in

(i) Tokyo
(ii) Beijing

(iii) Athens
(iv) Hanoi

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Appendix is nonfunctional in:...?

(i) Humans
(ii) Cows

(iii) Cats
(iv) Dogs

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He had dared to challenge the views of an ‘august’ body of imperial historians. here ‘august’ word means:...?

(i) Ordinary
(ii) Worthy of respect

(iii) Silly
(iv) None of These

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The total Area of the Capital of Pakistan ‘Islamabad’ is ...?

(i) 800 sq Km
(ii) 850 sq Km

(iii) 900 sq Km
(iv) 906 sq Km

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You cannot close MS Word application by___________...?

(i) Choosing File menu then Exit submenu
(ii) Press Alt+F4

(iii) Click X button on title bar
(iv) From File menu choose Close submenu

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You must bear_______his pranks...?

(i) With
(ii) In

(iii) Some of
(iv) All

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OGRA decided fuel price after how many days...?

(i) 10 days
(ii) 15 days

(iii) 30 days
(iv) None of these

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The keyboard F12 key in Ms Word opens a____________...?

(i) Save As dialog box
(ii) Open dialog box

(iii) Save dialog box
(iv) Close dialog box

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