The Maghrib Prayer is offered...? Mcqs

All Books Important MCQ's

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The Maghrib Prayer is offered...?

(i) Before sunset
(ii) At noon

(iii) Just After the sun set
(iv) None of them

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The term Track II diplomacy is used for..?

(i) Creating relation using official channels
(ii) Creating relation using Unofficial channels

(iii) Diplomacy by diplomats during war
(iv) None of these

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What is the literal meaning of Jinn...?

(i) Creature
(ii) Hidden

(iii) The first creature
(iv) The Devil

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Where is the grave of Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S)...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Lebanon

(iii) Israel
(iv) Jordan

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Queen Elizabeth II was died on...?

(i) 8 April 2022
(ii) 8 July 20222

(iii) 8 September 2022
(iv) 8 October 2022

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Complete the proverb to make the sentence meaningful. If wishes ______ horses, beggars would ride...?

(i) were
(ii) was

(iii) have
(iv) None of these

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After typing header text, how can you quickly enter footer text...?

(i) Click on Switch between Header & Footer then type the text
(ii) Press PageDown key and type the text for footer

(iii) Both of above
(iv) None of above

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"Elegy" is a word of which language...?

(i) Farsi
(ii) Turkey

(iii) Hindi
(iv) Arabic

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What is the number of longest Ayat of Quran in surah Al-Baqarah...?

(i) Ayat No 282
(ii) Ayat No 286

(iii) Ayat No 284
(iv) None of these

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How many independent states are there in Africa...?

(i) 50
(ii) 60

(iii) 54
(iv) None of these

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