The marriage between Hazrat Hafsa (RA) and Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) took place in________...? Mcqs

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The marriage between Hazrat Hafsa (RA) and Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) took place in________...?

(i) 1 A.H
(ii) 2 A.H

(iii) 3 A.H
(iv) 4 A.H

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A feature of MS Office that saves the document automatically after certain interval is called:...?

(i) Save
(ii) Save as

(iii) Auto save
(iv) None of these

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Time required for a computer to locate and transfer data is called...?

(i) Analogue time
(ii) Basic time

(iii) Starting time
(iv) Access time

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Second Ashra (second ten days of Ramadan) is known as...?

(i) Days of Mercy
(ii) Days of Forgiveness

(iii) Days to seek refuge from Hellfire
(iv) None of these

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Choose the correct meaning of the underlined idiom from the provided options. You can refuse to talk to her if you like, but you're just cutting off your nose to spite your face...?

(i) Trying to harm the other person
(ii) Making a situation worse for yourself out of anger

(iii) Taking an
(iv) Avoiding a problem by ignoring it completely

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War of pallasey was fought ...?

(i) 23 June 1757
(ii) 23 October 1756

(iii) 23 December 1557
(iv) 26 July 1764

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Which is the largest earth filled dam of the world...?

(i) Tarbela
(ii) Guri

(iii) Mangla
(iv) Kariba

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Greenwich mean time is located near the city of...?

(i) London
(ii) Rome

(iii) New York
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “wrangler” is _________...?

(i) lawman
(ii) cowboy

(iii) inventor
(iv) arbitrator

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Pakistan’s first coin was issued in _________...?

(i) 1948
(ii) 1949

(iii) 1950
(iv) none of these

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