The meaning of Muharram is...? Mcqs

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The meaning of Muharram is...?

(i) Dry Land
(ii) To Respect

(iii) Forbidden
(iv) To pray

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Who was the first Emperor in China ...?

(i) Qin Shi Huagdi
(ii) Sun Yat Sen

(iii) Kublai Khan
(iv) None of these

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VLOOKUP is a built-in function in Excel used to:...?

(i) Increases the font of text
(ii) Prints the content of an Excel sheet

(iii) Searches for a value in the column
(iv) Deletes a value in the column

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Which function is used to find the length of string in "C" Language...?

(i) Length()
(ii) Strlen()

(iii) Slen()
(iv) Len()

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How many countries share land border with Pakistan...?

(i) 3
(ii) 4

(iii) 5
(iv) 6

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Hazrat bibi Ruqayyah (R.A) was the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and _________________...?

(i) Zaynab bint Khuzayma
(ii) Rayhana bint Zayd

(iii) Khadija bint Khuwaylid
(iv) Maria al-Qibtiyya

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Which amongst the following is the smallest unit of storage?

(i) Bit
(ii) Nibble

(iii) Byte
(iv) Megabyte

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Which organization awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2023...?

(i) WHO
(ii) UNHCR

(iii) the Norwegian Nobel Committee
(iv) ILO

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Hazrat Younis (AS) remained in the abdomen of fish for how many days...?

(i) 30 days
(ii) 40 days

(iii) 20 days
(iv) 10 days

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Which is the major source of energy in Pakistan...?

(i) Nuclear
(ii) Oil and gas

(iii) Petroleum products
(iv) None of these

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