The most common type of software used in industries, offices and WAN is:...? Mcqs

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The most common type of software used in industries, offices and WAN is:...?

(i) Vertical market software
(ii) Custom-built software

(iii) Closed source software
(iv) Horizontal market software

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The Salat-e-Shukar is ______________...?

(i) Mustahab
(ii) Nafl

(iii) Wajib
(iv) Sunnah

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The National Animal of Pakistan is...?

(i) Horse
(ii) Deer

(iii) Dolphin
(iv) Markhor

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World War II was began in...?

(i) 1935
(ii) 1937

(iii) 1939
(iv) 1941

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What is 'Scotland Yard'...?

(i) Royal family's graveyard in England
(ii) British Criminal Investigation Department

(iii) A palace of British Queen in Scotland
(iv) A museum of natural history in U.K

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How can you make the selected character super-scripted in Ms Word...?

(i) Ctrl + =
(ii) Ctrl + Shift + =

(iii) Alt + Ctrl + Shift + =
(iv) None of above

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Increased level of SGOT/AST in blood is an indication of...?

(i) Hepatitis
(ii) Myocardial Infarction

(iii) Anemia
(iv) Tuberculosis

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How many months prior to the birth of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).Hazrat Abdullah Ibne-e-adul Muttalib died...?

(i) Two months
(ii) Four months

(iii) Six months
(iv) Eight months

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Asian Men’s Hockey Champions Trophy-2016 held in...?

(i) Malaysia
(ii) India

(iii) Indonesia
(iv) Maldives

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Which one is not the official language of United Nations...?

(i) Spanish
(ii) Arabic

(iii) German
(iv) Russia

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