The most prestigious literary award “The Booker Prize” first awarded in which year...? Mcqs

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The most prestigious literary award “The Booker Prize” first awarded in which year...?

(i) 1999
(ii) 2000

(iii) 2005
(iv) 1969

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SANA is the news agency of _________....?

(i) Saudi Arabia
(ii) UAE

(iii) Syria
(iv) Yemen

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Asia Cooperation Dialogue is intergovernmental Organization formed in 2002. Its secretariat is in ____________...?

(i) China
(ii) Indonesia

(iii) Pakistan
(iv) Kuwait

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Mohammad saw is called “Farqaleet” in injeel. What does “Farqaleet mean...?

(i) One who gives advice
(ii) One who gives love

(iii) One who gives comfort
(iv) None of these

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Who invented dynamite...?

(i) Newton
(ii) Edison

(iii) Alfred Nobel
(iv) None of these

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Who was the 3rd president of Pakistan...?

(i) Yahiya khan
(ii) Farooq Ahmed khan Leghari

(iii) Ghulam Ishaq Khan
(iv) Fazal Ilahi Chaudhry

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What was the important event in the month of 13th Nabvi...?

(i) Hijrah Habahah
(ii) Hijrah Madina

(iii) Miraj
(iv) Visit to Taaif

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The antonym of “Callous” is...?

(i) Heartless
(ii) Unfeeling

(iii) Kind
(iv) None of these

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ANGOP is the news agency of ___________...?

(i) austria
(ii) united states

(iii) france
(iv) angola

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The Fundamental Rights according to the law in Pakistan, are enforceable through...?

(i) The Supreme Court Only
(ii) The High Court

(iii) Both A and B
(iv) The Parliament

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