The muscles, tissues and blood al are made up of...? Mcqs

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The muscles, tissues and blood al are made up of...?

(i) Carbohydrates
(ii) Proteins

(iii) Water
(iv) Fats

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ln which night the Qur’an was revealed...?

(i) Shab-e-Miraj
(ii) Lailat-ul-Qadr

(iii) Lail-tul-Aroos
(iv) Shab-e-Braat

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Mughal emperor Akbar enforced Din-I-Ilahi in____________...?

(i) 1581
(ii) 1582

(iii) 1583
(iv) 1584

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Which one of the following famous Islamic book was written by Hazrat Khawaja Abdullah Ansari R.A ...?

(i) Tafsir al-Baghawi
(ii) Ahkam al-Qur’an

(iii) Al-Kashshaf
(iv) Kashf al-Israr wa ‘Eddat al-Abrar

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Antonym of INGEST is ...?

(i) Disgorge
(ii) Disrupt

(iii) Absorb
(iv) Devour

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Who was the only Vice-President in the history of Pakistan:...?

(i) Ghuiam Muhammad
(ii) Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din

(iii) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
(iv) Nur-ul-Amin

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Hazarat Usman (RA) did belong to __________...?

(i) Banu Ummaya
(ii) Banu Tamim

(iii) Banu Zuhra
(iv) None of these

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Marala Barrage has been constructed on:...?

(i) Indus river
(ii) Kabul river

(iii) Chenab river
(iv) Sutlej river

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A number is as much greater than 36 as is less than 86. Find the number...?

(i) 61
(ii) 59

(iii) 67
(iv) 57

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Pope Benedict, the religious leader of Roman Catholic Church belongs to...?

(i) Britain
(ii) Germany

(iii) France
(iv) Poland

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