The name of the sixth Kalimah is______________...? Mcqs

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The name of the sixth Kalimah is______________...?

(i) Kalimah Tamjeed
(ii) Kalimah Tauheed

(iii) Kalimah Shahadat
(iv) Kalimah Radd-i-Kufar

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(i) Abu Asad
(ii) Hazrat Zubair

(iii) Khalid ibn Zayd
(iv) Abu Zahad

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Palestinian Israeli agreement is called...?

(i) Oslo Accord
(ii) Abraham Accord

(iii) Peace Accord
(iv) None of these

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When Pakistan did join World Bank:...?

(i) 1948
(ii) 1949

(iii) 1950
(iv) None of these

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BRICS Summit held on 15-16 October-2016 in...?

(i) Beijing (ChinA).
(ii) Goa (IndiA).

(iii) Cape Town (South AfricA).
(iv) Moscow (Russia).

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(i) Data
(ii) Instruction

(iii) Information
(iv) None of these

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One barrel of petroleum is equal to...?

(i) 34.97 UK gallons
(ii) 42 US gallons

(iii) 0.159 Cubic Metre
(iv) None of these

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(i) Corpse
(ii) Carcass

(iii) Mortuary
(iv) None

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(i) Hebrew
(ii) Siriac

(iii) Arabic
(iv) Farsi

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The headquarter of ICC is located in:...?

(i) London
(ii) Melbourne

(iii) Dubai
(iv) Paris

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