The number of seats reserved for women in National Assembly are:...? Mcqs

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The number of seats reserved for women in National Assembly are:...?

(i) 60
(ii) 65

(iii) 70
(iv) 75

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The Holy Qur’an was revealed from...?

(i) 607-630 AD
(ii) 610-632 AD

(iii) 608-633 AD
(iv) 609-632 AD

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Which companion (Sahabi) of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is buried in Turkey...?

(i) Abu Hurairah
(ii) Abu Ayub Ansari

(iii) Umar ibn al-Khattab
(iv) Ali ibn Abi Talib

Latest MCQs

Who translated the Holy Quran to Persian for the 1st time?...?

(i) Syed Ahmed Shaheed
(ii) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

(iii) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(iv) Shah Wali Ullah Khan

Latest MCQs

"History of the Saracens" was written by:...?

(i) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
(ii) Shali Naumani

(iii) Abu-al-Kalam Azad
(iv) Syed Ameer Ali

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Under the Islamic Law of inheritance what would be the share of the wife from husband's property in the presence of children...?

(i) Half
(ii) One Third

(iii) One fourth
(iv) One Eight

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What is the most abundant element in the universe...?

(i) Hydrogen
(ii) Oxygen

(iii) Sodium
(iv) Copper

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______ computer are of large size...?

(i) Mainframe computers
(ii) Micro computers

(iii) Super computers
(iv) None of these

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What is an other name for junk Email...?

(i) Spam
(ii) Spoof

(iii) Spill
(iv) Spat

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Give the meaning of the idiom "break out"...?

(i) Occur suddenly
(ii) break down

(iii) Incomplete
(iv) None of these

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