The original natives of New Zealand, whose war dance is still used by the New Zealand rugby team, were...? Mcqs

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The original natives of New Zealand, whose war dance is still used by the New Zealand rugby team, were...?

(i) Aborgenes
(ii) Zuluz

(iii) Maoris
(iv) Fijians

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How many Surahs of the Holy Quran start with Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem...?

(i) 112
(ii) 113

(iii) 114
(iv) 115

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SLENA is the news agency of ________...?

(i) Sierra Leone
(ii) Norway

(iii) Bulgaria
(iv) Rome

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Fire temple is the place of worship of which of the following religion ...?

(i) Taoism
(ii) Judaism

(iii) Zoroastrianism (Parsi Religion)
(iv) Shintoism

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What is the meaning of this saying that God does not give nails to a bald man?...?

(i) God does not give job to the oppressor
(ii) God does not give authority to the oppressor

(iii) God does not give Leadership to the oppressor
(iv) None of these

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Name the King who fell from horse while playing polo and died:...?

(i) Qutb-din-Aibak
(ii) Aladdin Khilji

(iii) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
(iv) Muhammad Ghori

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Which key deletes the character to the right of the cursor in MS Word:...?

(i) Delete
(ii) Backspace

(iii) End
(iv) None of thee

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World War II was began in...?

(i) 1935
(ii) 1937

(iii) 1939
(iv) 1941

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Iron Dome Technology is possessed by:...?

(i) Italy
(ii) Israel

(iii) Iran
(iv) None of these

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IMF funds are primarily provided for which of the following...?

(i) Reduction in inflation
(ii) Infrastructure development

(iii) Economic stabilization and reform
(iv) Military assistance

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