The Pakistan initiative for mothers and new-borns (PAIMAN) was designed to work for...? Mcqs

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The Pakistan initiative for mothers and new-borns (PAIMAN) was designed to work for...?

(i) To fight against terrorism
(ii) Women rights

(iii) Against child labour
(iv) Women protection

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A bus with 32 data line can transport how many bits at a time:...?

(i) 8 bits
(ii) 16 bits

(iii) 32 bits
(iv) 1024 bits

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Synonym of “largesse” is ___________....?

(i) greatness
(ii) generosity

(iii) anger
(iv) clumsiness

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Who was appointed as the ruler of Madina at the time of Hudaibia incident when Holy Prophet was departing for Umrah in 6th Hijri...?

(i) Bashir bin Sufyan
(ii) Namila bin Abdullah Al-Laithi

(iii) Muhammad bin Muslimah
(iv) Bara bin Azib

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World Population Day is celebrated on...?

(i) 11th July
(ii) 11th June

(iii) 11th May
(iv) None of these

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Who was the compiler of Al-Mouta...?

(i) Imam Maalik Bin Anas
(ii) Imam Shafi

(iii) Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal
(iv) Imam Abu Hanifa Bukhari

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The deepest part of the Earth is __________ ....?

(i) Dead Sea
(ii) Mariana Trench

(iii) South Africa
(iv) South Pole

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First Afghan War took place in ...?

(i) 1838
(ii) 1837

(iii) 1839
(iv) 1840

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Synonym of EVADE is_______...?

(i) Elude
(ii) Avoid

(iii) dodge
(iv) All of these

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Qazf in Islamic law is imposed on__________...?

(i) False accusation of Zina
(ii) Fraudulent

(iii) Theft
(iv) None

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