The part of brain you can live without is Mcqs

All Books Important MCQ's

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The part of brain you can live without is

(i) Cerebellum
(ii) Mid brain

(iii) Cerebrum
(iv) Brain stem

Latest MCQs

Which Prophet was able to talk with animals and jinns ...?

(i) Prophet Adam AS
(ii) Prophet Ibrahim AS

(iii) Prophet Sulaiman AS
(iv) Prophet Daniyal AS

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Who invented Telephone:...?

(i) Alexander Graham Bell
(ii) Vint Cerf

(iii) Charles Babbage
(iv) Thomas Edison

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The world's largest Computer Company by sales is:...?

(i) Aser
(ii) IBM

(iii) Microsoft
(iv) Apple

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The Only National election held on no party basis were in...?

(i) 1977
(ii) 1985

(iii) 1988
(iv) 190

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The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship to USA by...?

(i) Egypt
(ii) Japan

(iii) Russia
(iv) France

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Which part of speech can create a sentence on its own...?

(i) Interjection
(ii) conjunction

(iii) Adjective
(iv) Adverb

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Identify the latitude of Punjab province:...?

(i) 27.42 to 34.02 N
(ii) 28.42 to 35.02 N

(iii) 29.42 to 36.02 N
(iv) 31.42 to 36.02 N

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Synonym of Incredulous is...?

(i) Hishonest
(ii) Honest

(iii) Reliable
(iv) Unreliable

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Identify the most Appropriate Synonym of “Uncharitable”...?

(i) Unfair
(ii) Not Friendly

(iii) Not Obvious
(iv) None

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