The permanent Secretariat of OIC is located in _________....? Mcqs

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The permanent Secretariat of OIC is located in _________....?

(i) Makkah
(ii) Madina

(iii) Jeddah
(iv) Riyadh

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JPG extension usually refers to what kind of a file...?

(i) System file
(ii) Animation File

(iii) MS Encarta Document
(iv) Image File

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Name the first written constitution of the world...?

(i) The treaty of Hudaibiya
(ii) Meesaq-e-Madina ✔

(iii) The Khutaba-e-Hajja-tul-widah
(iv) None of them

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The angle between the hour and minute hand at 8:30 is__________...?

(i) 60
(ii) 45

(iii) 75
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “abrade” is _________...?

(i) to twist
(ii) unravel

(iii) scold
(iv) wear away

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The mean of five numbers is 18, If one number is excluded, then their mean is 16, the excluded number is...?

(i) 24
(ii) 26

(iii) 28
(iv) None of these

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"fleet street" London is famous for...?

(i) Banking
(ii) Cargo companies

(iii) Newspapers and press agencies
(iv) Royal navy establishment

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Choose the analogy of words written in capital letters. Speak: Stammer...?

(i) Walk: Stagger
(ii) Strut: Walk

(iii) Speech: Stage
(iv) None of these

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When you delete a text box object from a slide in PowrPoint Presentation:...?

(i) The object is deleted but text box and the text inside is left on the slide
(ii) The text box is deleted and the text ispasted the slide

(iii) The text box and text both are deleted-
(iv) None of these

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Military courts established in Pakistan through 21st amendment were allowed to function for...?

(i) 2 years
(ii) 3 years

(iii) 4 years
(iv) 5 years

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