The poetry first written by Allama Iqbal in Persian and then translated in Urdu on popular demand...? Mcqs

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The poetry first written by Allama Iqbal in Persian and then translated in Urdu on popular demand...?

(i) Bal e Jibraeel
(ii) Bang e Dara

(iii) Zarb e Kaleem
(iv) Armaghan e Hijaz

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In March 2006, who was appointed as the bowling coach for Pakistan...?

(i) Shoaib Malik
(ii) Waqar Younis

(iii) Ramiz Raja
(iv) Misbah-ul-Haq

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Who first one gave royal gift to the Holy Prophet (SAW)...?

(i) Ruler of Iran
(ii) Abul Hakam

(iii) Najashi
(iv) Abu Sufyan

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Who wrote the Treaty of Hudaibiya...?

(i) Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah (R.A)
(ii) Hazrat Ali (R.A) ✓

(iii) Hazrat Usman (R.A)
(iv) none of them

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Who was the President of USA during first World War...?

(i) Woodrow Wilson
(ii) Roosevelt

(iii) J.F Canady
(iv) Richard Nixon

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PAP is the news agency of ________...?

(i) Philippines
(ii) Poland

(iii) Norway
(iv) China

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You have no business to ______ pain on a weakand poor person...?

(i) Put
(ii) Force

(iii) Direct
(iv) None of these (Inflict)

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نیکی کر ـــــ میں دال...?

(i) کنویں
(ii) جيب

(iii) دریا
(iv) کشکول

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The last dynasty which ruled China, before becoming Republic of China in 1912, was __________...?

(i) Xia Dynasty
(ii) Qin Dynasty

(iii) Han Dynasty
(iv) Qing Dynasty

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_________ is known as “Saloos ul Quran”...?

(i) Surah Ikhlas
(ii) Surah Kausar

(iii) Surah Nasar
(iv) Surah Fateha

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