The President of USA who was killed during his office...? Mcqs

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The President of USA who was killed during his office...?

(i) J.F kennedy
(ii) Richard Nxon

(iii) Abraham Lincoln
(iv) Both A and B

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Paediatrics is relevant to...?

(i) Children
(ii) Pregnant Women

(iii) Old People
(iv) Bones

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What is the punishment of drinking wines in Quran...?

(i) 40 Lashes
(ii) 50 Lashes

(iii) 80 Lashes
(iv) None of these

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"Shadow Cabinet is" is a specialized group of critics form by the opposition party in the ...?

(i) National assembly
(ii) Senate

(iii) Lower House
(iv) Parliament

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The secret agency of Pakistan is:...?

(i) IB
(ii) ISI

(iii) FIA
(iv) All of these

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National Reptile of Pakistan is_________...?

(i) Rho fish
(ii) Indus dolphin

(iii) Mugger Crocodile
(iv) All of these

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When you insert a comment in a document, the comment appears in a___________...?

(i) New window
(ii) Sidebar

(iii) sticky note icon bar
(iv) Balloon

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The famous oil painting 'Mona Lisa' is the creation of...?

(i) Leonardo da Vinci
(ii) Pablo picasso

(iii) Florence Nightingale
(iv) None of these

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OSS (Office of Strategic Services) is the old name of which secret agency_________...?

(i) FIA
(ii) CIA

(iii) RAW
(iv) ISI

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The Antonym of Deny is...?

(i) Acknowledge
(ii) Veto

(iii) Repudiate
(iv) None of these

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