The price of 357 mangoes is Rs. What will be the approximate price of 49 dozen of such mangoes?...? Mcqs

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The price of 357 mangoes is Rs. What will be the approximate price of 49 dozen of such mangoes?...?

(i) 2000
(ii) 2500

(iii) 4000
(iv) None of these

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Days and night are equal all the year at ...?

(i) New York
(ii) Nairobi

(iii) Oslo
(iv) Brussels

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What is the synonym of Placate...?

(i) Rouse
(ii) Harass

(iii) Pacify
(iv) None of the above

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Synonym of GINGERLY...?

(i) Cautiously
(ii) Retrospectively

(iii) Hectically
(iv) Carelessly

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Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word MAGNIFY...?

(i) Enlarge
(ii) Withdraw

(iii) Shrink
(iv) Decrease

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Abel Tasman discovered the country...?

(i) Australia
(ii) USA

(iii) New Zealand
(iv) Georgia

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In 2019-20 Australian bush fire season is named as:...?

(i) Dark Summer
(ii) Black Summer

(iii) White Summer
(iv) None of these

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What is 'Scotland Yard'...?

(i) Royal family's graveyard in England
(ii) British Criminal Investigation Department

(iii) A palace of British Queen in Scotland
(iv) A museum of natural history in U.K

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سندھ طاس معاہدہ کب ہوا تھا

(i) 19 SEP 1960
(ii) 18 SEP 1960

(iii) 18 SEP 1961
(iv) 17 SEP 1971

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Which of the following was the tribe of Hazrat Amina (R.A)...?

(i) Banu Saad
(ii) Banu Zuhra

(iii) Banu Adi
(iv) None of these

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