The princely states in India independence...? Mcqs

All Books Important MCQ's

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The princely states in India independence...?

(i) 540
(ii) 562

(iii) 570
(iv) 590

Latest MCQs

When did Fatima Jinnah joined All India Muslim league...?

(i) 1939
(ii) 1927

(iii) 1947
(iv) 1949

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Which surface-to-surface ballistic missile was successfully test-fired by India in October 2021...?

(i) Rudram-5
(ii) Agni-5

(iii) Druve-5
(iv) Vishak-5

Latest MCQs

What is the rank of Pakistan in World Happiness Index 2023...?

(i) 103
(ii) 108

(iii) 113
(iv) 132

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A can do a piece of work in 4 hours, B and C together can do it in 3 hours, while A and C together can do it in 2 hours How long will B alone take to do it...?

(i) 8
(ii) 10

(iii) 12
(iv) 14

Latest MCQs

What is a peninsula...?

(i) A piece of land surrounded by water on three sides
(ii) A body of water surrounded by land

(iii) A large island surrounded by ocean
(iv) A piece of land completely surrounded by wate

Latest MCQs

On gold falqaram (nisab) is____________...?

(i) 7 1/2 Tolas
(ii) 8 1/2 Tolas

(iii) 9 1/2 Tolas
(iv) 10 1/2 Tolas

Latest MCQs

How many Surahs of the Holy Quran start with Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem...?

(i) 112
(ii) 113

(iii) 114
(iv) 115

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How many squares has a chessboard ...?

(i) 24
(ii) 52

(iii) 45
(iv) 64

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Country biggest irrigation system of the world...?

(i) Pakistan
(ii) China

(iii) India
(iv) USA

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