The principle of a healthy diet includes balance, variety and ______...? Mcqs

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The principle of a healthy diet includes balance, variety and ______...?

(i) availability
(ii) moderation

(iii) quality
(iv) complimentary

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The European Union was based on which treaty...?

(i) Treaty of Versailles
(ii) Maastricht Treaty

(iii) Treaty of Rome
(iv) None of these

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Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms introduced a system called:...?

(i) Monarch
(ii) Theocracy

(iii) Democracy
(iv) Diarchy

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Dead Sea is located in:...?

(i) Israel and Turkey
(ii) Israel and Jordan

(iii) larael end Syria
(iv) Syria and Lebanon

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Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Qur’an...?

(i) Shab-e-Bara’at
(ii) Shab-e-Miraj

(iii) Shab-e-Qadar
(iv) None of these

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Law of magnet induction proposed by:...?

(i) Michael Faraday
(ii) Ernest Rutherford

(iii) Clerk Maxwell
(iv) Neils Bohr

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If a person reads 3/8 of a book in a day. Next day he reads 4/5 of the rest. Now 40 pages are left. How many pages are there in book...?

(i) 240
(ii) 320

(iii) 360
(iv) 380

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Junk e-mail is also called...?

(i) Spam
(ii) Sniffer script

(iii) Spool
(iv) Spoof

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Bandar Abbas seaport is in which country:...?

(i) Iran
(ii) Iraq

(iii) Egypt
(iv) None of these

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What are detritivores also called...?

(i) Producers
(ii) Herbivores

(iii) Decomposers
(iv) Carnivores

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