The prison has succeeded in reducing ‘recidivism’. The word ‘recidivism’ word means:...? Mcqs

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The prison has succeeded in reducing ‘recidivism’. The word ‘recidivism’ word means:...?

(i) The tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend
(ii) Going back to a previous behavior

(iii) Backsliding
(iv) All of These

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__________ formatting is the process of changing the way letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols appear on the screen and in print....?

(i) Document
(ii) Character

(iii) Paragraph
(iv) Object

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First bow occurs in which Para of Quran...?

(i) 8
(ii) 9

(iii) 10
(iv) None of these

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Which is the largest state of India...?

(i) Rajasthan
(ii) Madhia Perdesh

(iii) Utar Perdesh
(iv) Madrass

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Find the most suitable word similar in meaning : Sluggish:...?

(i) Slung
(ii) embrace

(iii) Slur
(iv) Slow

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Vowel marks were introduced into Arabic script by________...?

(i) Hajaj Bin yousuf
(ii) Abdul Malik Bin Marwan

(iii) Walid
(iv) Abu Hanifa

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In which year first commercial railway line was opened, connecting Liverpool with Manchester...?

(i) 1820
(ii) 1825

(iii) 1830
(iv) 1840

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Who among the following proposed Laws of planetary motion?...?

(i) Roger Bacon
(ii) Issac Newton

(iii) Johannes Kepler
(iv) Galileo

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An element of an array is mentioned by its:...?

(i) Array
(ii) Subscript

(iii) Object
(iv) Name of element

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Young: Old: Morning:...?

(i) Late
(ii) Early

(iii) Time
(iv) Night

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