The purest form of iron which has little amount of carbon in it is________...? Mcqs

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The purest form of iron which has little amount of carbon in it is________...?

(i) Cast iron
(ii) Pig iron

(iii) Wrought iron
(iv) None of these

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In which battle Hazrat Amar bin Yasar (RA) was martyred...?

(i) Yamama
(ii) Hanein

(iii) Safaein
(iv) Badar

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The longest EU-funded underwater tunnel in Europe opened in Poland will connect which two islands...?

(i) Usedom and Wolin
(ii) Ostro and Konski

(iii) Port and Chelminek
(iv) Olowianka and Karsibor

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What is the synonysm for STRICTURE...?

(i) Stricness
(ii) Stinging

(iii) Censure
(iv) Discipline

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Hajr (حجر‎) was old city which served as capital of Province “Al-Yamamah”, the modern name of this city is________...?

(i) Riyadh
(ii) Dammam

(iii) Abha
(iv) Al-Qatif

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Largest Army that ever marched out Madina was consisted of ____________...?

(i) 20000
(ii) 30000

(iii) 40000
(iv) 50000

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Pamplona famous for ‘bull run’ is the city of ___________...?

(i) Greece
(ii) Spain

(iii) Italy
(iv) Latvia

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The Synonyms of OBSTINATE is...?

(i) Agree
(ii) Scorn

(iii) Stubborn
(iv) Soft

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Which of the following options is not a valid PowerPoint's view...?

(i) Slide show view
(ii) Slide shorter view

(iii) Presentation view
(iv) Normal view

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What is the most abundant element in the universe...?

(i) Hydrogen
(ii) Oxygen

(iii) Sodium
(iv) Copper

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