The Pyramids of Giza are located in _____? Mcqs

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The Pyramids of Giza are located in _____?

(i) Egypt
(ii) Iraq

(iii) Saudi Arabia
(iv) Jordan

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The Office of District Magistrate was abolished through...?

(i) Local Government Ordinance 2001
(ii) Police Order 2002

(iii) Amendments in the code of Criminal Procedure
(iv) 17th amendment in the constitution

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Picture of which US President is on the 5 dollar note...?

(i) George Washington
(ii) Abraham Lincoln

(iii) Thomas Jefferson
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following increases the rate of a chemical reaction...?

(i) Catalyst
(ii) Inhibitor

(iii) Reactant
(iv) None of these

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A Batsman makes a score of 87 runs in the 17th inning and thus increases his average by 3. Find his average after 17th inning...?

(i) 33
(ii) 35

(iii) 37
(iv) 39

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If °P, = 360 and If °C, = 15, find r:...?

(i) 3
(ii) 4

(iii) 5
(iv) 6

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In whose regime the undertaken in India first census was...?

(i) Lord Rippon
(ii) Lord Dalhousie

(iii) Lord Minto
(iv) Lord Mayo

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What was the purpose of Minto-Morley Reforms of 1909...?

(i) Separate Provinces
(ii) Separate Electorates

(iii) Equal Proportion
(iv) None of these

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In February, 2020, former Pakistani batsman, Nasir Jamshed, was sentenced to______ months in prison in the UK for his role in a fixing scandal....?

(i) Seventeen
(ii) Eighteen

(iii) Nineteen
(iv) None of these

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Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) belonged to the tribe of__________...?

(i) Banu Sahm
(ii) Banu Taym

(iii) Banu Hashim
(iv) Banu Asad

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