The ratio of last year income of A, B & C was 3: 4: 5. While the ratio of their last year income to current year income is 4: 5; 2: 3 and 3: 4 respectively. If their total current year income is Rs. Find the present income of A...? Mcqs

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The ratio of last year income of A, B & C was 3: 4: 5. While the ratio of their last year income to current year income is 4: 5; 2: 3 and 3: 4 respectively. If their total current year income is Rs. Find the present income of A...?

(i) Rs22400
(ii) Rs22500

(iii) Rs22600
(iv) Rs22700

Latest MCQs

In Ms Word, On which toolbar can you find Format Painter tool...?

(i) Formatting toolbar
(ii) Picture Toolbar

(iii) Drawing Toolbar
(iv) Standard toolbar

Latest MCQs

Temple Tree is an official residence of the:...?

(i) Prime Minister of Qatar
(ii) Prime Minister of Maldives

(iii) Prime Minister of Malaysia
(iv) Prime Minister of Sri Lanka

Latest MCQs

Grave of the Hazrat Ayub ( AS) is located in_________...?

(i) Jordon
(ii) Iraq

(iii) Yamen
(iv) Oman (salala)

Latest MCQs

The last surah of the holy Quran is...?

(i) Surah Naas
(ii) Surah Yaseen

(iii) Surah Al Falaq
(iv) None of thesse

Latest MCQs

Synonym of “AFICIONADO” is____________...?

(i) Enthusiast
(ii) Critic

(iii) indifferent
(iv) Rival

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Which of the following multinational companies is not Japanese...?

(i) Panasonic
(ii) Sony

(iii) Hitachi
(iv) LG Electronics

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Tipu Sultan got martyred on _____...?

(i) 8th April 1799
(ii) 8th May 1799

(iii) 8th June 1799
(iv) 8th July 1799

Latest MCQs

"Kindergarten" refer to _____________...?

(i) a nursery school
(ii) a small garden

(iii) a children playground
(iv) none of these

Latest MCQs

The four characters of ip address is called...?

(i) Device Identifier
(ii) Network Identifier

(iii) Host Identification
(iv) Subnet maybe

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