The ring of the Holy Prophet [PBUH] was made by:...? Mcqs

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The ring of the Holy Prophet [PBUH] was made by:...?

(i) Saad bin Abi Waqas
(ii) Abu Ayyub Ansari

(iii) Ya'la bin Umayyah
(iv) Uthman bin Affan

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How many years did Hazrat Muhammad (saw) preach Islam during his life time...?

(i) 52
(ii) 40

(iii) 23
(iv) 13

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The ratio 35: 84 in simplest form is:...?

(i) 5:7
(ii) 7:12

(iii) 5:12
(iv) None of these

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Microsoft Office is an example of a...?

(i) vertical market software
(ii) Closed source software

(iii) Open source software
(iv) Horizontal market software

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Which is the following civilization are located banks of Tigris..?

(i) Indus Civilization
(ii) Sumerian civilization

(iii) Egyptian civilaization
(iv) Greek civilization

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The IAEA’s genesis was U.S. President Eisenhower’s ________ address to the General Assembly of the United Nations on 8 December 1953....?

(i) Atoms for Health
(ii) Atoms for Non-Military Purpose

(iii) Atoms for Peace
(iv) Atom as Weapon

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China situated in which part of Asia...?

(i) Central Asia
(ii) West Asia

(iii) East Asia
(iv) Middle Asia

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How many Madani Surahs are in Quran....?

(i) 22
(ii) 28

(iii) 32
(iv) 34

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The old woman lived alone, with ______ to look after ______...?

(i) someone / her
(ii) anyone / herself

(iii) everyone / she
(iv) no one / her

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In which year Taj Mahal was listed as one of the 7 Wonders of the World....?

(i) 2005
(ii) 2006

(iii) 2007
(iv) 2008

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