The Roman numeral for the number “50” is ____...? Mcqs

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The Roman numeral for the number “50” is ____...?

(i) L
(ii) C

(iii) D
(iv) M

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To display more of the document on the screen in print layout view, the _________ can be hidden...?

(i) white space at the top of the pages
(ii) white space at the bottom of the pages

(iii) gray space between pages
(iv) all of the above

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How many times Australia won the cricket World Cup...?

(i) Five times
(ii) Four times

(iii) Six times
(iv) Three times

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What is falqaram for goats...?

(i) 30 goats
(ii) 40 goats

(iii) 50 goats
(iv) 60 goats

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Synonym of “attrition” is _________...?

(i) addition
(ii) regret

(iii) attitude
(iv) abrasion

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If 30 men in 16 days, in how many days, will 36 men reap the field working 8 h per day...?

(i) 15
(ii) 25

(iii) 18
(iv) 10

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YONHAP is the news agency of __________...?


(iii) TAIWAN
(iv) NEPAL

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How many Surah the Holy Quran contains...?

(i) 114
(ii) 113

(iii) 112
(iv) 116

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OSS (Office of Strategic Services) is the old name of which secret agency_________...?

(i) FIA
(ii) CIA

(iii) RAW
(iv) ISI

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In the words of NATO’s first secretary-general, the purpose of NATO was to...?

(i) “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the French down”
(ii) “keep the Soviet Union and Germans out, the Americans in, and the French down”

(iii) “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”
(iv) “only keep the Soviet Union out”

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