The seal affixed on important letters by the Holy prophet (S.A.W) was in the custody of...? Mcqs

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The seal affixed on important letters by the Holy prophet (S.A.W) was in the custody of...?

(i) Hazrat Ali (R.A)
(ii) Hazrat Qais(R.A)

(iii) Hazrat Khuzaifa(R.A)
(iv) Hazrat Bilal (R.A)

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E’tikaf is ______ in the month of Ramzan....?

(i) Farz
(ii) Sunnah

(iii) wajib
(iv) None of these

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Find out appropriate phrasal verb Whether I pay or my wife pays_______________, the same thing...?

(i) Amounts to
(ii) Amounts in

(iii) Amounts into
(iv) Amounts for

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How many encounters took place between the Muslims and non Muslims during the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)...?

(i) 52
(ii) 72

(iii) 82
(iv) 62

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Which ocean is the largest in the world...?

(i) Atlantic
(ii) Indian

(iii) Pacific
(iv) None of these

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The hand has five fingers. In this sentence five is...?

(i) Noun
(ii) Adverb

(iii) Adjective
(iv) None of these

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0.04 × 0.0162 × 0.001 is equal to...?

(i) 0.000000648
(ii) 0.0000648

(iii) 0.00000648
(iv) None of these

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Which Surah of Holy Quran was the first to be revealed...?

(i) Al Hamd
(ii) Al Baqrah

(iii) Al Alaq
(iv) Al Rahman

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Synonym of “incontrovertible” is _________...?

(i) long established
(ii) beyond dispute

(iii) lacking control
(iv) non-negotiable

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Amnesia is ..?

(i) Loss of behalf
(ii) Loss of memory

(iii) Physical inability
(iv) All of above

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