The second Round Table Conference was held in...? Mcqs

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The second Round Table Conference was held in...?

(i) 1930
(ii) 1931

(iii) 1932
(iv) 1933

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Which of the following surah is Makki...?

(i) Al-Nas
(ii) Saba

(iii) Yasin
(iv) All of these

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'The spirit of Islam' book was written by...?

(i) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
(ii) Syed Ameer Ali

(iii) Maulana zafar ali
(iv) Arifa ishfaq

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The Soam is a pillar of Islam. It is declared as an ...?

(i) Armour
(ii) Love

(iii) Welfare
(iv) None of These

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Where is the grave of Hazrat Suleh (A.S)...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Lebanon

(iii) Saudi Arabia
(iv) Jordan

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Choose the word that is nearest in meaning of the capitalize word: ABRUPTLY...?

(i) Easily
(ii) Suddenly

(iii) Clearly
(iv) Slowly

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The poetry first written by Allama Iqbal in Persian and then translated in Urdu on popular demand...?

(i) Bal e Jibraeel
(ii) Bang e Dara

(iii) Zarb e Kaleem
(iv) Armaghan e Hijaz

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Microsoft Word was released in which year?...?

(i) 1981
(ii) 1982

(iii) 1983
(iv) 1984

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Whom Arabs called ‘Saabi’_____________...?

(i) Those who worshiped moon
(ii) Those who worshiped stars

(iii) Those who worshiped idols
(iv) Those who worshiped sun

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Which of the following divine book is called ' Old Testament'...?

(i) Zuboor
(ii) Torait

(iii) Injeel
(iv) None of these

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