The sun takes ........... years to travel around the galaxy..? Mcqs

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The sun takes ........... years to travel around the galaxy..?

(i) One Hundred Years
(ii) One millions years

(iii) 225 million years
(iv) 225 years

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Quaid-e-Azam was born on ______...?

(i) 25 December 1875
(ii) 25 December 1876

(iii) 25 December 1877
(iv) None of these

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The Synonym of Lacerate is...?

(i) Tear
(ii) Mend

(iii) Join
(iv) None of these

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The Industrial revolution first took place in:...?

(i) England
(ii) America

(iii) France
(iv) Germany

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Antonym of ” Sceptical ” is...?

(i) Unconvinced
(ii) Certain

(iii) Reticent
(iv) Scoffing

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The world's largest natural gas deposits are in...?

(i) US
(ii) Russia

(iii) China
(iv) Brazil

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What was the old name of PIA?...?

(i) Independence Airways
(ii) Koiachi Airways

(iii) Orient Airways
(iv) Air Pakistan

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A glacier is:...?

(i) River of ice sliding down a mountain carrying along material
(ii) Slow moving sheet of ice

(iii) Both A & B
(iv) None of these

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If all the members of a team are juniors or seniors, and if the ratio of juniors to seniors on the team is 3:5, what percent of team members are seniors...?

(i) 37.5%
(ii) 40%

(iii) 60%
(iv) 62.5%

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Which is the most abundant mineral in our the body...?

(i) Sodium
(ii) Calcium

(iii) Potassium
(iv) Iron

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