The Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) in NATO is held by...? Mcqs

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The Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) in NATO is held by...?

(i) Always by America
(ii) Rotated among alliance countries

(iii) Given in order of priority of accession to alliance
(iv) None of the above

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solve the equation 5 1/5 + 4 1/2 + 4 1/3 = 7...?

(i) 14 1/10
(ii) 13 1/5

(iii) 13 1/8
(iv) 14 1/30

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We can Search character & word and symbols in Microsoft word by using _______ command...?

(i) Ctrl + R
(ii) Ctrl + F

(iii) Ctrl + F5
(iv) None of the above

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Ctrl + A Shortcut key is used in Ms Word to____________...?

(i) Align Right
(ii) Select All

(iii) Change font
(iv) Save document

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Who was the eldest son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)...?

(i) Hazrat Abdullah
(ii) Hazrat Qasim

(iii) Hazrat Ibrahim
(iv) Hazrat Abdurrehman

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Who is the current Chancellor of Germany...?

(i) Olaf Scholz
(ii) Annalena Baerbock

(iii) Angela Merkel
(iv) Martin Schulz

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How old was the Holy Prophet (PBUH) when he passed away...?

(i) 64
(ii) 63

(iii) 65
(iv) 66

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‘Burning Man’ is a Festival celebrated in __________...?

(i) Poland
(ii) USA

(iii) Brazil
(iv) Spain

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In MS Word, Portrait and Landscape are _______...?

(i) Page layout
(ii) Page size

(iii) Page Orientation
(iv) All of these

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How many Surahs of the Holy Quran start with Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem...?

(i) 112
(ii) 113

(iii) 114
(iv) 115

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