The Supreme Commander of Pakistan Armed Forces is...? Mcqs

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The Supreme Commander of Pakistan Armed Forces is...?

(i) Army Chief
(ii) Governor

(iii) President
(iv) Prime Minister

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Synonym of “incontrovertible” is _________...?

(i) long established
(ii) beyond dispute

(iii) lacking control
(iv) non-negotiable

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What is gutter margin in MS Word...?

(i) Margin that is added to the left margin when printing
(ii) Margin that is added to right margin when printing

(iii) Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing
(iv) Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing

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What is the name of the Surah that was last revealed on the Quran...?

(i) Al- Nas
(ii) Al- Nasr

(iii) Al- Alaq
(iv) Al- Falaq

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Synonym of “impart” is _________...?

(i) to inflict
(ii) take sides

(iii) communicate
(iv) defy

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_________ to used as a disk scanner in Microsoft Windows...?

(i) Disk cleanup
(ii) Disk defragmenter

(iii) Disk cleanout
(iv) Disk cleaning

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The Synonym of ‘snollygoster’ is...?

(i) Unprincipled Politician
(ii) Sneak

(iii) Garrulous
(iv) None of these

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Who presented the 14 points apart from Quaid-e-Azam...?

(i) Allama Iqbal
(ii) Gandhi

(iii) Inayatullah Khan Mashriqi
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following mountaineers were missed on the K2:...?

(i) Sajid Ali Sadpara
(ii) Muhammad Ali Şadpara

(iii) Majid Ali Sadpara
(iv) None of these

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Which Pillar of Islam washes the sins like water...?

(i) Nimaz
(ii) Hajj

(iii) Zakat
(iv) None of these

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