The synonym of Outburst is:...? Mcqs

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The synonym of Outburst is:...?

(i) Static
(ii) Implosion

(iii) Paroxysm
(iv) Calm

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Synonym of “endeavor” is _________...?

(i) to ignore
(ii) intend

(iii) attempt earnestly
(iv) bring about

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What is name of 16th Para of Holy Qur’an...?

(i) Subhanallazi
(ii) Qal Alam

(iii) Aqtarabo
(iv) Qadd Aflaha

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What is the sum of all the three angles of a triangle...?

(i) 90 degrees
(ii) 180 degrees

(iii) 270 degrees
(iv) None of these

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Who wrote the book ‘Ayub, Bhutto, and Zia’...?

(i) Atif Ali chuahan
(ii) Sayad Shabbir Hussain

(iii) Ayesha jalal
(iv) none of these

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First China War was fought between...?

(i) China and Britain
(ii) China and France

(iii) China and Egypt
(iv) China and Greek

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What is meant by Allah's Attribute , 'Al Bari'...?

(i) The Generous
(ii) The Glorous

(iii) The aware
(iv) The Maker

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Who wrote "The Loyal Muhammadans of India":...?

(i) Sir Muhammad Zafar Ullah Khan
(ii) Rehmat Ali

(iii) Fazal-ul-Haq
(iv) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

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قیام پاکستان کے بعد کس زبان کو قومی زبان قرار دیا گیا انگریزی...?

(i) پنجابی
(ii) بنگالی

(iii) وتبال
(iv) اردو

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77% land area of Russia is located in...?

(i) Asia
(ii) Europe

(iii) Both
(iv) None of these

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