The Tashkent declaration between India and Pakistan was signed on...? Mcqs

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The Tashkent declaration between India and Pakistan was signed on...?

(i) 10 January 1963
(ii) 10 January 1964

(iii) 10 January 1965
(iv) 10 January 1966

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Which of the following is the lightest metal:...?

(i) Mercury
(ii) Silver

(iii) Lead
(iv) Lithium

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Sadako Sasaki was a___________victim....?

(i) World War i
(ii) World War ii

(iii) Napoleonic Wars
(iv) Russian Civil War

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What is telnet...?

(i) Network IP
(ii) Browser

(iii) Protocol
(iv) Gateway

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In MS Excel we added ______ before fraction for not to enter date...?

(i) space
(ii) comma

(iii) asterik
(iv) None of these

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'A' has a brother 'B'. 'A' is son of 'C'. 'D' is father of 'C'. What relation is 'B' of 'D'...?

(i) Brother
(ii) Grandson

(iii) Cousin
(iv) Son

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What is the primary religion in Saudi Arabia...?

(i) Hinduism
(ii) Sikh

(iii) Islam
(iv) None of these

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Phases of the moon occur because...?

(i) only that part of the moon which reflects light
(ii) Our distance from the moon keeps changing

(iii) The thickness of the moon's atmosphere
(iv) The shadow of the Earth covers only a part of moon

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Which one is correct...?

(i) The library lost its all books
(ii) The car is not yours

(iii) That car is not theirs
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following leaders helped Quaid e Azam in preparation of his Fourteen Points in 1929...?

(i) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(ii) Maulana Shaukat Ali

(iii) Liaqat Ali Khan
(iv) Maulana Hasrat Moihani

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