The Term Butterfly stroke is associated with which of the following sprots...? Mcqs

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The Term Butterfly stroke is associated with which of the following sprots...?

(i) Swimming
(ii) Boxing

(iii) Rowing
(iv) Golf

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A person who has an intention to offer Umra and Hajj at Meeqat is called_______...?

(i) Qaran
(ii) Mufrid

(iii) Mutamtae
(iv) None of them

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Who was Pakistan a first Foreign Minister?...?

(i) Jogindarnath Mandel
(ii) Liaquat Ali Khan

(iii) Rap Ghazanfar Ali Khan
(iv) Sir Zafarullah Khan

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In MS Word, which shortcut is used for print preview...?

(i) Alt + O
(ii) Ctrl + F2

(iii) Shift + P
(iv) Ctrl + P

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Antonym of INGEST is ...?

(i) Disgorge
(ii) Disrupt

(iii) Absorb
(iv) Devour

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If the cost price of an article is 25% of its selling price, then what is the profit in Percentage...?

(i) 100%
(ii) 300%

(iii) 200%
(iv) 150%

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In 2024, which country passed a law banning coal usage by 2030...?

(i) Netherlands
(ii) UK

(iii) Germany
(iv) Australia

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Which of following is considered as the unsolicited commercial E mail...?

(i) Spam
(ii) Junk

(iii) Flaming
(iv) None of these

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(892) squre=...?

(i) 795664
(ii) 1784

(iii) 796,864
(iv) 1942

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which words of the Holy Quran are not explained by a common person...?

(i) Muqte’aat
(ii) Qamari

(iii) Shamsi
(iv) All of them

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