The thin black cross-shaped pointor in MS Excel is used to:...? Mcqs

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The thin black cross-shaped pointor in MS Excel is used to:...?

(i) Complete lists and fill patterns
(ii) Move a group of cells

(iii) Resize
(iv) Highlight duplicate cells

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Ghar-e- Sor is mentioned in ________...?

(i) Surah Al Inaam
(ii) Surah Al Baqra

(iii) Surah Al Tauba
(iv) Surah Alaq

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What marked the start of NATO’s transformation from a purely defensive alliance into a large, coordinated, and powerful military force operating beyond its members’ borders...?

(i) Bombing campaign on Czechs
(ii) Bombing campaign on Bosnian Serbs

(iii) Bombing campaign on Afghanistan
(iv) Bombing campaign on Iraq

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What was the first network that provides the basis for the internet?...?



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When the object moves with the speed of light its mass would be...?

(i) equal to its rest mass
(ii) double of its rest mass

(iii) infinite
(iv) Zero Zero

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The Khudai Khidmatgar Movement was started by:...?

(i) Abdul Ghani Khan
(ii) Solar Aslam Khan

(iii) Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(iv) lnayatulah Mashriqi

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Synonym of ” Uproar ” is _________...?

(i) Acquiescence
(ii) Calm

(iii) Turmoil
(iv) Placid

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Horticulture is the study of: ...?

(i) Animals
(ii) Insects

(iii) Plants & Fruits
(iv) None of these

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The title page of document is called...?

(i) Authoring page
(ii) Cover page

(iii) Text page
(iv) None of these

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Largest Museum in the world is in...?

(i) USA
(ii) China

(iii) France
(iv) Europe

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