The time light takes from Sun to reach Earth is _____...? Mcqs

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The time light takes from Sun to reach Earth is _____...?

(i) 8 minutes
(ii) 25 minutes

(iii) 45 minutes
(iv) None of these

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The shortcut key for undo is:...?

(i) CTRL+U
(ii) CTRL+D

(iii) CTRL+Z
(iv) CTRL+O

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Our Holy Prophet (SAW) broke fast (Aftari) with _______...?

(i) Dates
(ii) Water

(iii) Milk
(iv) All of these

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A vassal state is...?

(i) One which is completely under the Suzerainty
(ii) A protectorate

(iii) A state which is a member of the commonwealth
(iv) None of these

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From the following personalities indicate the one who has represented Pakistan at the United Nation Representative:...?

(i) Dr Waheed Qureshi
(ii) Patras Bokhari

(iii) Fan Ahmad Faiz
(iv) Ate ul Haq Qasmi

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A metal which is liquid at room temperature is...?

(i) Gold
(ii) Mercury

(iii) Platinum
(iv) Aluminum

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What is total area of pakistan in square kilometers...?

(i) 796096 km2
(ii) 881913 km2

(iii) 695095 km2
(iv) None of these

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. کس تاریخ کو انسانی حقوق کا دن منایا جاتا ہے...?

(i) March 8
(ii) May 3

(iii) Nov 20
(iv) DEC 10

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Synonym of “indigenous” is _________...?

(i) wealthy
(ii) having stomach trouble

(iii) native
(iv) scholarly

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Who became the first black president of South Africa, his party was banned in 1961 and he was given life imprisonment...?

(i) Robert Mogabe
(ii) Nelson Mandela

(iii) Eddi Amin
(iv) Martin Luther King

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