The transfer of data from one place to another is called:...? Mcqs

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The transfer of data from one place to another is called:...?

(i) Data processing
(ii) Data distribution

(iii) Data communication
(iv) Data encryption

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Which organization awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2023...?

(i) WHO
(ii) UNHCR

(iii) the Norwegian Nobel Committee
(iv) ILO

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How old was the Holy Prophet (PBUH) when he passed away...?

(i) 64
(ii) 63

(iii) 65
(iv) 66

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KLM is an airline of __________...?

(i) Australia
(ii) Germany

(iii) Netherlands
(iv) Austria

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Change the narration: He said to me "Keep quiet and listen to me"...?

(i) He ordered me to keep quiet and listen to his words
(ii) He told me to keep quiet and listen to him

(iii) He requested me keeping quiet and listening to his words
(iv) He entreated me that I should keepquiet and listen to his words

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You wished to justify text over the height of paper, which option will you choose in Ms Word...?

(i) From formatting toolbar
(ii) Page Setup from File menu

(iii) Font from Format menu
(iv) Paragraph from Format menu

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London is situated on the bank of river...?

(i) Delaware
(ii) Nile river

(iii) Thames
(iv) None of these

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In whose regime the undertaken in India first census was...?

(i) Lord Rippon
(ii) Lord Dalhousie

(iii) Lord Minto
(iv) Lord Mayo

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what do you understand by Tahleeq________...?

(i) Cutting of hair
(ii) First circle of Tawaf

(iii) Kalmaas in loud voice during Tawaf
(iv) Kissing of stone

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which of the following controls the process of interaction between the user and the operating system...?

(i) user interface
(ii) platform

(iii) screensaver
(iv) none of these

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