The Umayyad Caliphate was overthrown in 751 A.D by Abbasids after the_________...? Mcqs

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The Umayyad Caliphate was overthrown in 751 A.D by Abbasids after the_________...?

(i) Battle of Tribes
(ii) Battle of Arabs

(iii) Battle of Islam
(iv) Battle of Zab

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According to the order of Holy Quran Surah Al-Jinn is _____ chapter of Holy Quran...?

(i) 48
(ii) 62

(iii) 72
(iv) 110

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Function of a_________ is similar to that of a mouse...?

(i) Joystick
(ii) Keyboard

(iii) Camera
(iv) Monitor

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City of Taif is ______ km away from Makkah....?

(i) 50
(ii) 70

(iii) 90
(iv) 100

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Who is called father of computer...?

(i) Charles Babbage
(ii) Konard Zuse

(iii) Merry John
(iv) None of these

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(i) Assembly
(ii) Machine Language

(iii) PHP
(iv) None of these

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When you divide 0.7 by 10 you will get...?

(i) 7
(ii) 0.007

(iii) 70
(iv) 0.07

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Famous book 'A History of God' is written by...?

(i) Noam chomsky
(ii) Karen Armstrong

(iii) Sydney sheldon
(iv) None of these

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The ratio of cost price and selling price is 4: 5 The profit percent is:...?

(i) 10 percent
(ii) 20 percent

(iii) 25 percent
(iv) 30 percent

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A partner in crime is called:...?

(i) Accomplice
(ii) Linguist

(iii) Polyglot
(iv) None of these

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