The Urdu-Hindi Controversy, an important forerunner to the partition of British India, started in:...? Mcqs

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The Urdu-Hindi Controversy, an important forerunner to the partition of British India, started in:...?

(i) 1857
(ii) 1867

(iii) 1877
(iv) 1885

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He bore a banner "with a strange device". The inverted comma part of the sentence is:...?

(i) Prepositional phrase
(ii) Noun phrase

(iii) Adjective Phrase
(iv) Alliteration

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Hoover, one of the most beautiful dams in the world is located in...?

(i) Canada
(ii) England

(iii) USA
(iv) France

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غزل نیم وحشی صنف شاعری ہے۔ یہ کس کا قول ہے؟...?

(i) کلیم الدین احمد
(ii) احسن فاروقی

(iii) نیاز فتح پوری
(iv) انتظار حسین

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A sum of money becomes doubles in 3 years at compound interest, compounded annually at the same rate. In how many years it will become 4 times of itself...?

(i) 5 years
(ii) 6 years

(iii) 7.5 years
(iv) 12 years

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E=mc2 what is C...?

(i) Velocity of light
(ii) Electric power of cell

(iii) Radius of earth
(iv) Velocity of voice

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Which crop is longest according to period between and harvest...?

(i) Cotton
(ii) Sugarcane

(iii) Rice
(iv) Wheat

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Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) made the first trip to Syria with his uncle Abu Talib at the age of ______ years...?

(i) 10
(ii) 12

(iii) 14
(iv) 16

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What are the flat, treeless plains of Argentina called...?

(i) Pampas
(ii) Moss

(iii) Lichen
(iv) none of these

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When first constitution of Pakistan was enforced...?

(i) 8th June 1956
(ii) 23rd March 1956

(iii) 14th August 1956
(iv) 25th December 1956

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