The value of an article which was purchased 2 years ago, depreciates at 12 % per annum. If its present value is Rs 9680, the price at which it was purchased is Mcqs

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The value of an article which was purchased 2 years ago, depreciates at 12 % per annum. If its present value is Rs 9680, the price at which it was purchased is

(i) rs 10000
(ii) rs 12500

(iii) rs 14575
(iv) rs 16250

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Allah forgives _____ muslims every day at the time of aftari in Ramadan...?

(i) 4 lakh
(ii) 6 lakh

(iii) 8 lakh
(iv) 5 lakh

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McMahon Line is the border between...?

(i) India and China
(ii) India and Nepal

(iii) India and Pakistan
(iv) India and Burma

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Quran is written in _______________...?

(i) Prose & Poetry
(ii) Prose

(iii) Poetry
(iv) None of them

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Antonym of “earnest” is...?

(i) Cheap
(ii) Frivolous

(iii) Release
(iv) Civilized

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The term "Islam" means:...?

(i) Submission
(ii) Peace

(iii) Fortitude
(iv) Thankfulness

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In class, one-fourth opted to learn German; four-fifths of the remaining students Italian. Two-thirds of the remaining students decided to learn French and rest Japanese. 12 people decided to learn Japanese, how many of them opted for Italian?...?

(i) 120
(ii) 136

(iii) 144
(iv) 256

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The mean proportional of 4 and 16 is:...?

(i) +16
(ii) +8

(iii) +9
(iv) None of these

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In Microsoft Excel the Intersection of columns and rows is called a:...?

(i) Data
(ii) Table

(iii) Cell
(iv) Schema for:

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کس ملک کی بندرگاہ ہے اسکندریہ ALEXANDRIA

(i) لیبیا
(ii) مصر

(iii) اٹلی
(iv) یونان

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