The volume of a sphere is..? Mcqs

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The volume of a sphere is..?

(i) 4/3 pi r3
(ii) 2/3 pi r3

(iii) pi r3
(iv) 2 pi r

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Which is the largest lake of Pakistan...?

(i) Drigh Lake
(ii) Manchar Lake

(iii) Kunjhar Lake
(iv) Lake Saiful Muluk

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درج ذیل میں کونسا ناول عبداللہ حسین کا لکھا ہواہے ؟...?

(i) آگ کا دریا
(ii) اخر شب کے ہم سفر

(iii) خون جگر ہونے تک
(iv) اداس نسلیں

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The commitment to the US lunar mission was announced by which president in May 1961...?

(i) Richard Nixon
(ii) Abraham Lincoln

(iii) George Washington
(iv) John F. Kennedy

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The idiom 'The Alpha and Omega' means:...?

(i) A beautiful object
(ii) Beginning and End

(iii) A good man
(iv) Something divine

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Synonym of “adversity” is _________...?

(i) opponent
(ii) hardship

(iii) opening
(iv) public announcement

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What is the literal meaning of islam is _________...?

(i) To bow down the neck
(ii) To obey

(iii) To have safty
(iv) All of these

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دشت قیس میں لیلی کس کی تصنیف ہے ...?

(i) جمیلہ ہاشمی
(ii) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

(iii) کشور ناہید
(iv) بانو قدسیه

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First female ambassador of Pakistan to Iran:...?

(i) Riffat Masood
(ii) Maliha Lodhi

(iii) Begum Shahnawaz
(iv) None of these

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A sum of Rs 12,500 amounts to Rs 15,500 in 4 years at the rate of simple interest. What is the rate of interest?...?

(i) 6%
(ii) 8%

(iii) 10%
(iv) None of these

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