The world's largest bird is...? Mcqs

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The world's largest bird is...?

(i) Bustard
(ii) Ostrich

(iii) Penguin
(iv) Kiwi

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0 point 7683+0 point 369+ 0 point 05+0 point 8 =?...?

(i) 0 point 8065
(ii) 1 point 9873

(iii) 0 point 8110
(iv) None of these

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Nation of Noah A.S worshiped _________ idols....?

(i) 3
(ii) 4

(iii) 5
(iv) 6

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"Scotland Yard" is a police department of:...?

(i) New Zealand
(ii) United Kingdom

(iii) USA
(iv) Scotland

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In which Holy Book of Non-Muslims the Qur’an mentioned repeatedly...?

(i) Holy book of Sikh
(ii) Holy book of Hindu

(iii) Holy book of Jews
(iv) Holy book of Christen

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The average height of a class of 25 students is 4.4 A student of height 5. 7 feet is newly enrolled. Find the new average...?

(i) 4.43 feet
(ii) 4.45 feet

(iii) 4.31 feet
(iv) 430 feet

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What is the Original Name of Muʿtaṣim bi’llāh...?

(i) Abu Ayub ibn Rashid
(ii) Abū Isḥāq Muḥammad ibn Hārūn al-Rashīd

(iii) Abu Sufyan ibn Daud
(iv) Abu Ansar ibn Usman

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Which regiment of Pakistan Army has received maximum numbers of "Nishan-e-Haider"...?

(i) Baluch Regiment
(ii) Sind Regiment

(iii) Punjab Regiment
(iv) Frontier Force Regiment

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________was a prominent Punjabi folk music singer of Pakistan, credited with popularizing the musical term Jugni...?

(i) Inayut Hussain Bhatti
(ii) Tufail Niazi

(iii) Alam Lohar
(iv) None of these

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Economic Cooperation Organization was established in:...?

(i) 1981
(ii) 1985

(iii) 1989
(iv) 1993

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