The world’s oldest continuously operating university in English speaking world is __________...? Mcqs

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The world’s oldest continuously operating university in English speaking world is __________...?

(i) University of Salamanca
(ii) University of Cambridge

(iii) University of Oxford
(iv) University of Bologna

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Columns dialog box can be opened from___________...?

(i) Press Alt + O + C
(ii) Format menu Columns submenu

(iii) Double click on column space in ruler
(iv) All of above

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The Nobel Prize has been awarded in __________ fields....?

(i) 5
(ii) 6

(iii) 7
(iv) 8

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What is the average of the first 100 natural numbers...?

(i) 25.5
(ii) 50

(iii) 50.5
(iv) None of these

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Ormara port is in which province:...?

(i) Punjab
(ii) Baluchistan

(iii) Sindh
(iv) None of these

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A place where dogs are kept is called...?

(i) Arsenal
(ii) Kennel

(iii) Burrow
(iv) None of these

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The Hajj Pilgrims are required to wear Ihram at which place...?

(i) Miqat
(ii) Arafat

(iii) Mina
(iv) Safa and Marwa

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Choose analogous pair: Poverty: Prosperity:...?

(i) Train: Cart
(ii) Rain: Flood

(iii) Love: Sorrow
(iv) Intelligence Stupidity

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Junk email is also called:...?

(i) Spam
(ii) Spoof

(iii) Spool
(iv) Sniffer script

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In MS Excel, columns are labelled as ______...?

(i) A, B, C
(ii) A1, A2, A3

(iii) 1, 2, 3
(iv) $A$1, $B$2

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