The world's oldest written language is...? Mcqs

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The world's oldest written language is...?

(i) Chinese
(ii) Japanese

(iii) Cambodian
(iv) Latin

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If day before yesterday was Saturday then day after tomorrow will be:...?

(i) Tuesday
(ii) Wednesday

(iii) Thursday
(iv) Friday

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In MS-Word to insert Mathematically sign we use option:...?

(i) Symbol
(ii) Objects

(iii) Shapes
(iv) Equation

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"Chilum Joshi" is a festival celebrated in...?

(i) Kalash Valley
(ii) Gilgit Baltistan

(iii) Peshawar
(iv) None of these

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Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Dr.Abdul Salam in the year...?

(i) 1969
(ii) 1978

(iii) 1966
(iv) 1979

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Diamond is the form of...?

(i) Carbon
(ii) Iron

(iii) Aluminium
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “syllogism” is _________...?

(i) harmony
(ii) word division

(iii) sensible observation
(iv) reasoning method

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The _________ indents all the lines of a paragraph except first line in Ms Word....?

(i) First Line Indent Marker
(ii) Hanging Indent Marker

(iii) Left Indent Marker
(iv) Right Indent Marker

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Which one is the capital city of Italy...?

(i) Milan
(ii) Venice

(iii) Turin
(iv) Rome

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Which celebrity was awarded pride of performance in 2005...?

(i) Nusrat Mumtaz
(ii) Arif Lohar

(iii) Abrar-ul-Haq
(iv) None of these

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