"They would have been late, if they had not taken a taxi". The given sentence is an example of the sentence:...? Mcqs

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"They would have been late, if they had not taken a taxi". The given sentence is an example of the sentence:...?

(i) Third conditional
(ii) Zero conditional

(iii) Second conditional
(iv) First conditional

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The Headquarter of UNHCR is located in _____...?

(i) Geneva
(ii) New York

(iii) Vienna
(iv) None

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Who wrote "The Loyal Muhammadans of India":...?

(i) Sir Muhammad Zafar Ullah Khan
(ii) Rehmat Ali

(iii) Fazal-ul-Haq
(iv) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

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Which of the following is a synonym for “corrode”...?

(i) Strengthen
(ii) Decay

(iii) Polish
(iv) Assemble

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Who among following is considered to be the father of “Green Revolution”...?

(i) Mammohan Singh
(ii) Abdul Salam

(iii) Henry Ford
(iv) Norman Borlaug

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Zaporizhzhia is the ___________ nuclear facility of Europe...?

(i) Biggest
(ii) 2nd Biggest

(iii) Smallest
(iv) None of These

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Which of the following gases is mainly causing global warming...?

(i) Nitrogen
(ii) Methane

(iii) Carbon dioxide
(iv) Hydrogen

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Circumference of the Earth is around...?

(i) 20000 KM
(ii) 30000 KM

(iii) 40000 KM
(iv) 50000 KM

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"Bootlegging" is a form of:...?

(i) Drugs
(ii) Sketches

(iii) Smuggling
(iv) Indian Religion

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Which of the following continent has no desert...?

(i) Australia
(ii) America

(iii) Europe
(iv) None of these

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