Thomas Cup is associated with which Game...? Mcqs

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Thomas Cup is associated with which Game...?

(i) badminton
(ii) football

(iii) hockey
(iv) none of these

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Bangladesh separated from Pakistan in:...?

(i) 1969
(ii) 1970

(iii) 1971
(iv) 1972

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Rasul Barrage is located on which river...?

(i) Indus River
(ii) Ravi River

(iii) Chenab River
(iv) Jhelum River

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There are _________ non-permanent members of the security council....?

(i) 5
(ii) 7

(iii) 10
(iv) 15

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The oldest monarchy in the world is that of...?

(i) Japan
(ii) Nepal

(iii) UK
(iv) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Hazrat Ayesha R.A has narrated about how many Ahadiths of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)...?

(i) 2200
(ii) 2210

(iii) 2400
(iv) 2260

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Choose the most suitable synonym of underlined word: She was disgusted by her friend's outrageous behavior...?

(i) Threatening
(ii) Shocking

(iii) Unbecoming
(iv) Unacoontable

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Name the longest glacier of Pakistan...?

(i) Hispar
(ii) Baltoro

(iii) Siachen
(iv) Batura

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The smallest country in the world is:...?

(i) Vatican City
(ii) Maldives

(iii) Turkey
(iv) Angola

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Tolstoy was the author of famous novel...?

(i) Idiot
(ii) For whom the bell tolls

(iii) Dark Continent
(iv) War and Peace

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